
流氷雪まつり (六)《計劃行程之困難》

一向以來要度身訂做一個屬於自己喜歡的行程一點也不容易,這個 2008雪祭之旅所花的時間亦可以明列前茅。假使全程自駕遊,時間上的控制便比較容易。但為了避免在大風雪以下駕車,今次只是有限度的在道東三湖租兩日車;以及其後在網走的一天。

在選擇旅館的時候,要特別留意它們提供的免費送迎服務。若然能夠盡量利用,必定可以節省大量交通費。舉例說〝層雲閣グランドホテル〞會免費送來回北見~層雲峡的≪道北バス石北号≫,要知道這單程已經要 ¥2500。我不知道巴士公司會收他們多少,但是的確幫助我們慳回不少旅費。當然代價便是要在計劃行程的時候,將送迎時間考慮在內,而這裏亦是最多釘碰的地方。

另外值得參考的便是各網友的遊記,本人在此必定要感謝各位無私的分享。相信我閱讀了不下二十個北海道遊記,比任何旅遊書更具參考價值。不過大部份的網友通常也是用 JR Pass,及以札幌為據點來往釧路/網走。既然我們是女満別入札幌走,亦不能用 Railpass,在交通編排上要留意多一點。

最後要考慮的因素就是酒店/旅館的安排。當然你大可以去十天住足九晚溫泉旅館,不過通常我會夾 Business hotel 在溫泉酒店中間。一來不用連續 3-4晚浸,亦可以利用 business hotel 上網 (check 天氣,改行程做資料搜集),洗衣服等等。要是在釧路、旭川等地點過夜這亦是最佳選擇。這些地方既沒有溫泉亦有大量平價酒店。


2 則留言:

erlyfains 說...

Jackson, could you please tell me how to arrange with "層雲閣グランドホテル〞to let them give us the free tickets of 北見~層雲峡的≪道北バス石北号≫? Do I need to call the hotel directly or else? Because in fact I don't have any ways to buy the bus tickets before my departure date for Japan (Feb 1, 2009) as I have no friend in Japan, could I buy the bus tickets just before I take the bus or I must arrange with hotel in advance?

Thanks for your help,

jokelib 說...


You must email the hotel directly, saying you've made a booking via which website, with your booking reference. And make sure you ask for their email confirmation (because Japanese usually don't double confirm).

What they'll do is send your name to the bus company, so on your check-in date you simply go to the bus terminal and ask for the free tickets. If they have your name on the list they won't charge you for the tickets, you don't need to buy it yourself.

Hope that helps.


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